Collagen supplements have become all the rage lately. Ingesting, however, is different from naturally stimulating your collagen production. Fewer signs of aging and more radiant skin can be apparent when collagen production is naturally stimulated by your body. The question then becomes, which aesthetic treatment is the most effective in giving you anti-aging results? Here at BodyLase® Med Spa, we’ve found Morpheus8 to be an ideal option for collagen stimulation.

But let’s back up a bit and talk about collagen. What is it exactly, and how does it help us stay young? Below are some interesting truths about this protein and some information on how Morpheus8 can help your body make more of it naturally.

What Is Collagen and What Does it Do For the Body?

Collagen is the most abundant protein in our bodies. It has a fiber-like structure that is used to make connective tissue. From building bones, muscles, skin, and blood vessels – collagen does it all. Think of it as the glue that keeps us together. Unfortunately, as we get older, the supply of this glue decreases.

As our bodies produce less collagen, we develop sagging skin, wrinkles, and other aging signs. This process begins around age 30 for most people and continues for the rest of their lives. The surefire way to slow this process is to promote collagen production within your body. This is typically done in response to damage. Much like tearing muscle at the gym, your skin can be damaged in a controlled way to encourage your body to make more collagen and renew it.

How to Naturally Stimulate Collagen in the Neck and Face

As BodyLase® Med Spa, we’re dedicated to doing our research and finding the best ways of stimulating collagen. In our search, we’ve found that the microneedling and radiofrequency energy of Morpheus8 is one of the best options for creating more collagen.

In one study, 247 patients at an average age of 55 were treated using the Morpheus8. The targeted areas (their faces and necks) showed an impressive reduction in skin laxity after treatment. In fact, patients were so pleased with their results that 93% indicated they would undergo the procedure again

These kinds of results can be expected from a treatment that not only improves the surface of your skin but also stimulates natural collagen production over time.

How Does Morpheus8 Work?

Morpheus8 combines microneedling with radiofrequency penetrating up to 8mm into the tissue, making it the most efficient RF microneedling device on the market. It features 24 coated needles that penetrate subdermal tissue, which causes fat to melt and skin to tighten. 

At the same time, radiofrequency energy pulsates through the treatment area. In doing so, it stimulates several processes, namely; neocollagenesis, elastogenesis, and angiogenesis. These are scientific words that refer to wound repair, elastin stimulation, and blood vessel formation. 

That’s a lot of power from a small handpiece! More impressive is that improvements in the tightness and beauty of your skin can be seen in just 1-3 sessions that last for 60-90 minutes each. Results can be seen in three weeks and improve over 3-6 months as your body naturally creates collagen. The added collagen boost results in a smoother skin texture, diminished wrinkles, and the heat from Radiofrequency energy seems to kill bacteria stopping acne breakouts for a radiant complexion that is certain to turn heads.

Find More Information on Morpheus8

If you’re interested in learning more about Morpheus8 before you commit, we’re happy to help. At BodyLase® Med Spa, we provide our clients with treatment information and skin assessments before treatment. Get in touch today to learn more about Morpheus8 and see if it’s right for your skin. Schedule by calling (919) 299-6627 to book an appointment in our Raleigh Med Spa office, (919) 421-7323 to book in our Cary Med Spa office, or (919) 213-8468 at our Chapel Hill Med Spa office. You can also fill out and submit the appointment form below.