High-SPF lotion. Lip Balm. Sunglasses. Hat. Despite all our efforts, the summer sun’s intense UV rays still make their mark on our skin. Add high temperatures, drying air-conditioning and an occasional swim in salty or chlorinated water and our skin is begging for pampering by summer’s end.

Whether you’re looking to simply erase sun spots and freshen your skin or craving more dramatic improvements like major wrinkle reduction and skin tightening, we have options that will give you a younger, fresher looking face.

SmartSkin, Fraxel & Laser Facial Options

The technology driving the cosmetic laser industry brings more precise, comfortable and effective treatments every year. This means you can have plastic-surgery-like results without the discomfort, extended healing time and tell-tale signs of traditional surgical face lifts.

The SmartSkin CO2® process uses microscopic laser columns that penetrate into the deep layers of the skin to stimulate your skin’s natural healing process and produce new collagen. The CO2 laser facial provides skin tightening, treats dyschromia (spots from the sun and other skin discolorations), evens out the skin tone and color and removes fine lines and wrinkles.

The Fraxel® laser treatment gives you remarkable results by using tiny points of light to precisely treat thousands of microscopic areas of your skin – including sun spots and other irregular darkened patches. The Fraxel laser facial penetrates deep into the skin to remove damaged skin cells, stimulate your body’s own natural healing process and replace damaged cells with fresh, glowing, healthy skin.

With Laser Facial, your own natural collagen is your best ally in eliminating flaws and enhancing your skin’s natural beauty. The laser stimulates the protein collagen molecules in the dermis resulting in the growth of new collagen and a decrease in fine lines. Pore size is minimized while textural smoothness is enhanced and facial redness and prominent capillaries are diminished.

Gently Peel Away The Years With Microdermabrasion & Chemical Peels

Your skin regenerates itself about every 30 days, but the trick to ever seeing all that gorgeous fresh skin is sloughing away the dead top layer that is hiding your glow.

Cosmetic Skin Peels remove the top layer of dry dead skin cells to allow the younger skin cells to move to the surface. The result is a vibrant, glowing appearance and fresher skin with restored luster. These chemical peels use a natural topical acid – usually lactic, citric or glycolic – to create an even, controlled “shedding” of skin. Whether you want to peel a little or a lot, our aesthetic skin specialists will determine which chemical peel will produce the results you want for your skin type.

Microdermabrasion is a non-surgical exfoliating treatment that will leave you amazed at how soft and smooth your skin looks and feels. During Microdermabrasion, a fine spray of medical-grade crystals is showered on to your skin. These crystals are then gently suctioned away along with the old, dead skin cells, leaving your skin refreshed and glowing.

Erase Those Dark Spots With The IPL Photofacial

IPL Photofacials rejuvenate your skin and reduce the signs of sun damage with Intense Pulsed Light. This exciting technology uses a broad spectrum of light to target sun spots, broken capillaries, redness, rosacea, age spots, and fine wrinkles, while leaving healthy unblemished cells intact. IPL Photofacials are especially effective for evening skin tone on the face, neck, chest and hands. You can have healthier-looking skin with no downtime, no pain and no invasive procedures.

Schedule a consultation so our aesthetic specialists can recommend just the right treatments to repair your summer skin damage.