Smartlipo® Away Aggravating Fat In One Day

Perhaps no amount of exercise has been effective at thinning your thighs? Or maybe sensitive back or neck muscles keep you from doing the crunches that might trim your belly fat. And many have pouches of fat — like waddles around the chin or bra-bulges on the back — that no amount of dieting or exercise will banish.

Smartlipo May Be The Body Contouring Solution For You.

This technologically advanced, minimally invasive laser liposuction procedure can sculpt away fat in an hour or two and you can resume most of your normal activities within a day.

Smartlipo uses a small and precise laser probe that is inserted into targeted areas through small incisions. The probe’s high-energy laser light breaks down fat cells, which are removed with the probes special cannula, or eliminated through your body’s natural processes.

The Fat Is Vanished AND The Skin Around It Is Tightened.

While a procedure that only melted the fat away would be great, Smartlipo adds another crucial body sculpting benefit. The gentle laser preserves the fibrous connective tissue between the skin and underlying muscle fascia and promotes collagen production, meaning, for many patients, that it also enhances skin retraction and re-draping after the fat removal. This is particularly true for patients with diminished skin elasticity, which generally begins after age 40.

Is Smartlipo For Me?

Almost everyone who’s interested in laser-assisted body contouring is a good candidate for Smartlipo. Ideally, candidates are in good health, get regular exercise and stay within about 25 pounds of their ideal weight. Smartlipo is not a weight loss procedure but instead is used to create a more flattering silhouette where pockets of fat linger.

The treatment is best for healthy people who want body contouring and sculpting on specific localized areas of stubborn fat. Smartlipo is often used as a complementary procedure after traditional liposuction because Smartlipo is more effective at precise body contouring.

Those with health issues need not be excluded but special precautions may be required. All aspects of the procedure and your health will be discussed during your private consultations with our nurse and cosmetic surgeon.

Is Smartlipo A Medical Procedure?

Smartlipo is a medical procedure conducted on an outpatient basis by our licensed plastic surgeons in our luxurious Raleigh, Cary, & Chapel Hill medical spas. Most procedures are done with a local anesthetic, although general anesthesia may be requested. Your BodyLase treatment will include a medical screening to verify that you are a viable candidate as well as pre- and post-procedure appointments to fully explain what you may expect during and after the procedure.

Call us to schedule a Confidential Consultation to learn whether Smartlipo is your solution to a finely sculpted body.