Nowadays, beauty is not merely putting on makeup and expensive clothes. The beauty industry has paired up with top-notch science to create skin care solutions destined to make people feel better when taking a look in the mirror. Recently, many skin products have started to advertise growth factors as a part of their active ingredients. But, what are these so-called growth factors and how do they work? Are they hormones? Are they safe and effective?

Growth Factors, Not Growth Hormones

It is essential to understand that growth factors are not the same as growth growth hormones. The latter is used by people with hormonal problems and some bodybuilders, but the former is a group of substances with very different chemical properties.

Growth factors are synthesized by tissues to stimulate the creation of new cells and replace older ones. In the skin, they are manufactured by particular cells called fibroblasts. After being released to the skin, naturally-occurring growth factors start stimulating the exchange of older skin cells and dead skin with fresh cells that maintain the moisture and good appearance of young skin.

In medical-grade skin care products, such as SkinMedica products, growth factors are joined with collagen, antioxidants and matrix proteins to correct wrinkles, reduce cell inflammation, promote the exchange of dead cells and limit the effects of aging in the skin.

Potential of Growth Factors

In skin care, growth factors can be used to reverse the natural aging of skin that is mediated by the environment. Skin aging is the natural outcome of time and how it affects the disposition of collagen fibers & elasticity of the skin. In extrinsic aging, ultraviolet radiation and other factors cause skin dryness, color changes, wrinkles, and other aging effects. This damage is what growth factors reverse.

These factors in medical grade skincare products improve the rate of exchange of younger skin cells and help to keep the collagen fibers in their place. As a result, wrinkle and expression lines are reduced, and the skin regains elasticity, tightness, and smoothness. Growth factors also improve many pigmentation problems arising from prolonged sun exposure.

For the past 15 years, several creams and skin care products have used growth factors to improve skin texture, reverse skin discoloration and slow down the aging process. Several studies performed can confirm that growth factors are useful, especially when paired up with antioxidants and collagen.

In most cases, when using these types of products twice a day, the skin shows significant changes in 6-12 weeks. However, some formulations with antioxidants may provide earlier results, in 4-8 weeks. Growth factors are safe to use, and they do not show any significant side effects when applied in clinical settings. There are many products out there, and it can feel overwhelming to choose one. If you are wondering which product is best for you, stop into BodyLase, where trained professionals will be happy to help you.

For more information on growth factors or to schedule a consultation contact BodyLase at 919-954-2288 (Raleigh), 919-851-8989 (Cary), or 919-213-8645 (Chapel Hill).