After losing weight, getting rid of those unsightly bulges can be difficult. No matter how much you workout and eat right, there are those spots that remain unchanged. Fine-tuning one’s silhouette can be done with a body sculpting treatment called CoolSculpting® Elite.

Body Sculpting With CoolSculpting Elite

CoolSculpting Elite is a cosmetic treatment used to remove extra body fat. The procedure freezes fat cells, which are then expelled naturally by the body. This process has fantastic results without requiring any surgery or anesthesia. The method is used mainly to target those stubborn areas that haven’t responded to other approaches.

Double chin, upper arm, love handles, abdomen, muffin top, and inner and outer thighs are the most common areas treated with CoolSculpting Elite. Reviewing this list, you can see these are areas on the body that are common problem areas for just about everyone. The fact that they don’t respond to exercise and a healthy diet can be frustrating, especially for those who have worked hard to lose weight. CoolSculpting Elite can help you get the sculpted look you desire.

Great Results With CoolSculpting Elite

CoolSculpting Elite is safe and effective for people who are willing to reduce stubborn fat areas. This treatment is not for weight reduction and is instead to help create a more sculpted appearance. People who are eager to take the next step should consult an experienced provider. The best thing about this treatment is that the fat cells are gone permanently. The body responds to the treatment quickly, and there are no visible signs like scarring after the procedure. One can expect to see results in 1-3 months with the final results taking up to six months.

Side Effects Of CoolSculpting Elite

There is the possibility for temporary side effects that may be experienced during or after a CoolSculpting Elite treatment, and knowing what to expect can give peace of mind.

During the treatment, some people feel the sensation of tugging in the targeted areas. This sensation lasts only during the time it takes for the procedure to be completed.

Right after treatment, there may be some redness, bruising, and even swelling in the affected area. These side effects quickly go away on their own.

About two weeks after treatment, one might experience sensitivity in the treated area. The underlying cause for this ache is the freezing of the body fat. If this occurs, it will go away on its own and lasts only a short time.

Get CoolSculpting Elite At BodyLase

With Summer fast approaching, now is a great time to stop hiding those areas that make you self-conscious, get CoolSculpting Elite, and have the figure you desire. For more information on CoolSculpting Elite or to schedule a consultation to see if it’s right for you, contact BodyLase today!