Acne scars can make a person self-conscious and affect one’s confidence. Some people use make-up to try and cover the scars, but many want to improve the texture of the scars permanently. A chemical peel, especially a VI Peel, could be that solution.

A VI Peel is a gentle chemical skin treatment that is designed specifically to treat skin-related problems like acne, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, age and sunspots, melasma, rosacea, and enlarged pores. It is a self-neutralizing formula that is suitable for all skin types. The VI peel is considered to be especially useful for improving texture and discoloration.

This chemical peel is a combination of Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA), Tretinoin Acid, Salicylic Acid, Phenol, Vitamin C, and other minerals. These ingredients work together to safely remove damaged layers of skin, promote cellular turnover, and refine the skin’s surface resulting in smoother, brighter, firmer skin that has a more youthful and radiant appearance.

The treatment session lasts for about 45 minutes. There are a few phases to the treatment. First, the skin is cleansed. Then the solution is evenly applied to the face. This solution penetrates the skin cells on the skin’s surface and then goes deeper into the dermis. The solution dries quickly, and you are free to resume daily activities immediately following your treatment. After several hours, you will be instructed by your provider to wash off the solution.

This chemical peel treatment does not have any adverse side effects. The skin will start peeling in 2-3 days, and it will continue to do so for up to a week. During this peeling process, the skin may have unusual coloring in red, brown, or yellowish tones. It more commonly looks like a slight sunburn that is flaking off.

It is imperative not to pick at the skin. You will also receive a post-peel treatment kit to apply at home to enhance your results. In the week following the treatment, avoid harsh skin products, exfoliating the skin (either chemically or manually), and direct sunlight. Don’t forget to apply sunscreen daily.

For more information on VI peels or to schedule a consultation with a skin expert to see if this treatment is right for you, contact BodyLase. Call 919-954-2288 (Raleigh), 919-851-8989 (Cary), or 919-213-8645 (Chapel Hill).